Public Discourse Foundation

Foundation · Founding year: 2023 · 1-10 employees
Public Discourse Foundation c/o ETH Public Policy Group LEH Leonhardshalde 21 CH-8092 ZĂĽrich/Schweiz

AG • AI • AR • BS • BL • BE • FR • GE • GL • GR • JU • LU • NE • NW • OW • SH • SZ • SO • SG • TG • TI • UR • VS • VD • ZG • ZH

German • French

We have experience with the media and/or political consultations (commissions, etc.).

Reaction time 2-4 jours

Short description

The Public Discourse Foundation aims to research and strengthen public discourse on the internet so that as many people as possible feel invited to participate. The solutions are developed with and for civil society, the media and research.

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Contact person

Sophie Achermann Directrice